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Graduate Studies in Education Student Learning Outcomes

The mission of the School of Education is to prepare educators of mind and heart who are scholars, community members, effective practitioners, visionary leaders and guardians. The School of Education provides opportunities to integrate theory and practice in diverse settings through the study of established and emerging content as well as through pedagogical and professional knowledge. 小黄鸭视频 prepares educators to have a positive impact on the learning and development of those whom they are called to serve.

The learning outcomes of this program prepare students to be the following:

Scholars: Educators of mind and heart possess current knowledge of the content areas in which they work, understand the connections among disciplines, use tools of inquiry, and demonstrate an attitude of ongoing learning as existing fields of knowledge continue to evolve and grow. Educators of mind and heart strengthen their existing knowledge base through continuous intellectual and scholarly growth based on current research, the study of their own practice, the analysis of data collected and the application of data to the solution of problems in their respective fields of study.

Community Members: Educators of mind and heart develop and sustain intentionally collaborative and interdependent relationships among teachers, students and their families, counselors, administrators, and other community members. Educators of mind and heart understand their roles as professional colleagues in schools, communities and professional organizations. They actively help to shape the culture of classrooms and schools to reflect the values of our democratic society. They model professional behaviors appropriate for those entrusted with educating today's children and young people.

Effective Practitioners: Educators of mind and heart are prepared to analyze situations, set goals, plan and monitor actions, assess outcomes, and reflect on their professional thinking and decision-making. They are committed to culturally responsive and relevant practices that engage students and are purposeful in making a positive impact on their students' learning. They demonstrate proficiency in the selection and differentiation of materials, strategies and assessment practices that are appropriate for the diversity of students and the educational contexts in which they serve. They use formative and summative data as evidence for decision-making. They are competent in using technology and other 21st-century skills in the educational setting to improve their own practice and the learning of their students.

Visionary Leaders: Educators of mind and heart have a vision. They articulate a personal philosophy of education that includes a belief in the worth and ability of each human being that provides a framework guiding personal and professional decision-making and development. The educators' practices are intentionally aligned with this vision for the benefit of members of their learning communities. Educators of mind and heart model transformational and servant leadership in their learning communities and in their contributions to society.

Guardians: Educators of mind and heart act as advocates for children and youth, demonstrating a sincere and equitable commitment to the success of all, paying attention to the role that diversity, including gender, ability, ethnicity, race, culture, religion or socio-economic status, brings to learning and the community. Educators understand and respect the interconnected, global nature of society and encourage sustainable practices designed to preserve our world for future generations. In the Christian tradition of servant leadership, educators serve humankind and seek opportunities to assist, encourage and support all those under their care in a manner that leads to transformation in the lives of their students.

Administrative & Nonprofit Leadership Program Student Learning Outcomes

SL 1 Students have the ability to use tools of inquiry to analyze, synthesize and apply research and data to address problems of practice.

SL 2 Students can evaluate and assist in creating appropriate interventions for the needs of various communities as they pertain to but not limited to issues of socioeconomics, access to healthcare, financial wellness, education reform, technological change and immigration.

SL 3 Students demonstrate behavior that indicates they are becoming an emerging expert in their area of study through designing solutions for human resource management, financial resource management, and the creation of equitable and inclusive organizations.

SL 4 Students have the core competencies to develop relevant and practical solutions to leadership challenges while exploring relationships between their faith and/or spirituality and its application to their discipline.

SL 5 Students have the core competencies to use a diversity, equity and inclusion lens and justify courses of action to support those whom they serve.

Educational Administration Program Student Learning Outcomes

SL 1 Visionary Leadership: Candidates promote the success of each student by leading the development, articulation, implementation and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by school and community stakeholders.

SL 2 Instructional Improvement: Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills and cultural competence to improve learning and achievement to ensure the success of each student by leading through advocating, nurturing and sustaining district/school/program cultures and coherent instructional programs that are conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.

SL 3 Organizational Management: Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills and cultural competence to improve learning and achievement to ensure the success of each student by ensuring management of the organization, operations and resources for a safe, efficient and effective learning environment.

SL 4 Leadership for a Diverse Community and Inclusive Practice: Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills and cultural competence to improve learning and achievement to ensure the success of each student by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.

SL 5 Moral and Ethical Leadership: Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills and cultural competence to improve learning and achievement to ensure the success of each student by acting with integrity, in fairness and through an ethical manner.

SL 6 Socio-Political Context: Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills and cultural competence to improve learning and achievement to ensure the success of each student by understanding, responding to and influencing the political, social, economic, legal and cultural context.

Gifted & Talented Program Student Learning Outcomes

SL 1 Students understand the field as an evolving discipline based on philosophies; evidence-based principles and theories; relevant laws and policies; diverse and historical points of view; and social, emotional and cultural issues. They use foundational knowledge and professional principles to inform their practice.

SL 2 Students understand the variations in development, cognitive characteristics, and affective characteristics of gifted and talented students.

SL 3 Students understand the effects that gifts and talents can have on an individual's learning in school and throughout life and apply this understanding to provide responsive learning experiences.

SL 4 Students select, adapt and use a repertoire of evidence-based curriculum and instructional strategies to differentiate for gifted and talented learners.

SL 5 Students develop differentiated long-range plans for gifted and talented learners anchored in both general and specialized curricula to advance learning for gifted students.

SL 6 Students actively create learning environments for gifted and talented learners that are safe, inclusive and culturally responsive to foster students' emotional well-being, positive social interactions, active engagement, independence, motivation and self-advocacy.

SL 7 Students use the results of varied assessments and multiple data sources to identify and support the growth of gifted and talented learners.

SL 8 Students of gifted and talented learners effectively collaborate with families, other educators, community stakeholders and related service providers to respond to the needs of gifted students.

Marriage & Family Therapy Program Student Learning Outcomes

SL 1 (G1) Students have the basic core competencies to infuse systemic, relational, and biopsychosocial/spiritual perspectives into their academic work and clinical activities with individuals, couples and families from diverse levels of the socioeconomic strata and with other marginalized groups (ethnic, cultural, religious, sexual orientation).

SL 2 (G2) Students have the basic core competencies to provide systemic and relational clinical activities from multiple philosophical and theoretical frameworks.

SL 3A (G3) Students have the basic core competencies to be discerning consumers of empirical research and/or program evaluation in their scholastic work and/or clinical services.

SL 3B (G3) Students have the basic core competencies to be designers of empirical research.

SL 4 (G4) Students have the basic core competencies to recognize, articulate and account for influences of contextual factors on client systems when working with individuals, couples and families from diverse levels of the socioeconomic strata and with other marginalized groups (ethnic, cultural, religious, sexual orientation) and can adjust scholarship and clinical activities as appropriate.

SL 5 (G5) Students can integrate a client's spirituality into the context of therapy.

SL 6A (G6) Students have the basic core competencies to meet or exceed minimal legal, ethical and other professional regulatory standards (e.g., national and state laws, the AAMFT Code of Ethics, and agency ethical policies and procedures).

SL 6B (G6) Students have the basic core competencies to account for the influence of higher-order moral principles (e.g., beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, justice and fidelity) and moral reasoning schemas (e.g., duty-based, ends-based, care-based and/or narrative based) on moral/ethical decisions faced by clients and therapists.

SL 7 Students graduating from the MFT program will become professional practitioners.

Montessori Program Student Learning Outcomes

SL 1 Students demonstrate a foundational knowledge of skills and concepts in education. SL 2 Students demonstrate mastery of Montessori instructional strategies.

SL 3 Students demonstrate an understanding of the School of Education Conceptual Framework and the mission of the university.

SL 4 Students demonstrate an understanding of how their personal beliefs, culture and worldview inform their practice as Montessori educators.

School Counseling Program Student Learning Outcomes

SL 1 Program Development: Develop, lead and evaluate a data-driven school counseling and/or Behavioral Health program that is comprehensive, utilizes best practices, and advances the mission of the school or agency. 

SL 2 Pedagogy: Use their knowledge of pedagogy, child development, individual differences, learning barriers, and Washington state learning requirements to support student and client learning. They work effectively with other educators/staff to monitor and improve student and client success. 

SL 3 Counseling & Intervention Strategies: Use a variety of research-based counseling or intervention strategies to provide prevention, intervention and responsive services to meet the academic, personal/social and career needs of all student/clients. 

SL 4 Intercultural Competency: Understand cultural contexts in a multicultural society, demonstrate fairness, equity and sensitivity to every student/client, and advocate for equitable access to instructional programs/therapeutic practices. 

SL 5 Collaboration: Collaborate with colleagues, families and community members to establish and foster an inclusive, nurturing and physically safe environment for students, clients, staff and families. 

SL 6 Ethics & Professional Growth: Engage in continuous and professional growth and development and advocate for appropriate school and behavioral health counselor identity roles. They adhere to ethical practices and to the Washington state and federal policies, laws and legislation relevant to school counseling and behavioral health. 

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Program Student Learning Outcomes

SL 1 Program Development: Develop, lead and evaluate a data-driven school counseling and/or behavioral health program that is comprehensive, utilizes best practices, and advances the mission of the school or agency. 

SL 2 Pedagogy: Use their knowledge of pedagogy, child development, individual differences, learning barriers and Washington state learning requirements to support student and client learning. They work effectively with other educators/staff to monitor and improve student and client success. 

SL 3 Counseling & Intervention Strategies: Use a variety of research-based counseling or intervention strategies to provide prevention, intervention and responsive services to meet the academic, personal/social and career needs of all student/clients. 

SL 4 Intercultural Competency: Understand cultural contexts in a multicultural society, demonstrate fairness, equity and sensitivity to every student/client, and advocate for equitable access to instructional programs/therapeutic practices. 

SL 5 Collaboration: Collaborate with colleagues, families and community members to establish and foster an inclusive, nurturing and physically safe environment for students, clients, staff and families. 

SL 6 Ethics & Professional Growth: Engage in continuous and professional growth and development and advocate for appropriate school and behavioral health counselor identity roles. They adhere to ethical practices and to the Washington state and federal policies, laws and legislation relevant to school counseling and behavioral health. 

Teaching & Learning Program Student Learning Outcomes

SL 1 Scholar:

1.1  Students use tools of inquiry to analyze, synthesize and apply research and data to address problems of practice.

1.2  Students deepen their knowledge and skills in a chosen area of study through successful completion of challenging coursework and research.

SL 2 Community Member: Students reflect on ways they can use their roles as professional colleagues in schools, communities and professional organizations to help shape the culture of classrooms and schools to reflect the values of our democratic society.

SL 3 Effective Practitioner:

3.1  Students demonstrate mastery of advanced instructional strategies to address needs of diverse populations.

3.2  Students demonstrate understanding of diverse approaches to curriculum, instruction and assessment to inform instructional and intervention practices.

SL 4 Visionary Leader and Faith & Learning Integration:

4.1  Students explore understandings and relationships between their faith and/or spirituality and its application within their discipline.

4.2  Students' capstone projects reflect depth of understanding of the research on their chosen topics and result in products that provide positive contributions to the field.

SL 5 Advocate: Students use a diversity, equity and inclusivity lens to analyze and justify courses of action to support those whom they serve.

Applied Behavior Analysis & Special Education Programs Student Learning Outcomes

SL 1 Candidates develop instructional lesson plans, classroom management plans or individual treatment plans which include best-practice components for guiding program implementation with students or clients.

SL 2 Candidates develop, implement and assess the effectiveness of an intervention plan for students or clients.

SL 3 Candidates implement evidence-based instructional and behavioral practices with students in a classroom or clients in clinical settings.

SL 4 Candidates demonstrate competency-based content knowledge and skills for their respective disciplines.