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How to Complete Federal Verification

Information on Being Selected for Federal Verification

The federal processor notifies select students on their federal student aid report that they must be "verified." This simply means that before disbursing federal need-based aid to you, the U.S. Department of Education will require the university to confirm the accuracy of some information on the FAFSA. This verification process will need to be completed by any college or university to award you federal financial aid. To maximize your financial aid potential, please complete this verification process as soon as possible.

What Is Being Verified?

  1. Household size
  2. Income information

What Do You Need to Complete Federal Verification?

  • Verification Form
  • Documents to verify your income (1040s, W2s, required tax schedules)
  • Your FAFSA. You can access this on , or find your most recent Student Aid Report (SAR) in your student email provided in the FAFSA.

Forms and Instructions

Instructions for Completing a Dependent Verification Form

Instructions for Completing an Independent Verification Form